What is Time Line Therapy™?

When working with the Time Line method, the client tries to deal with stressful experiences from the past. Then, the therapist positively modifies the current emotional experience. This means that the negative events are biographically preserved, but emotional and cognitive handling is changed positively. ™

NLP users know that Time Line Therapy™ can be very profound and enable lasting change results. The benefits of using this type of therapy are:

·       Self-knowledge:The therapist will help the client to know themself better and to discover limitations, weaknesses and strengths. It will help you to reveal deep motivations and thus to work in greater consonance with yourself.

·       Solving problems:Not only can Time Line Therapy™ help you to get out of a frustrating and painful situation, it is also an alternative to break the emotional walls that deprive you of exploring new and potentially better opportunities.

·       Confidentiality:What the client tells their therapist will be confidential. The individual seeking help can and should be absolutely honest with their therapist. In addition to being information that will be safe, it will be necessary for the therapy to have results. In most cases Time Line Therapy™ is content free, meaning the client doesn’t have to relive traumatic experiences.

·       Personal Success:By knowing who we are and what the script of our life is, we can pursue goals that bring happiness. These satisfactions are feelings that only provide personal success.

·       Improving self-esteem:A positive consequence of any process of internal improvement is the strengthening of self-esteem. It is the fundamental result for self-assurance and acceptance as an individual.

·       Discover talents:Identifying your unique natural talents will help to you to develop a better quality of life. With this you will gain a feeling of being comfortable with what you do.

·       Deal with possible disorders:Living with anxiety, stress or phobia is not pleasant. It is not living your life, at least not fully. These disorders and alterations can and should be overcome with the help of Time Line Therapy™.

“Walking the TimeLine” has been known as a therapeutic technique since the 70s. In the 1980s, hypnotherapist Tad James discovered that simply presenting the TimeLine is enough to achieve a therapeutic effect. In 1988, he developed the Time Line Therapy™. It is an almost self-contained method within NLP that has proven itself in healing traumatic experiences from the past.

Since the 90s, Time Line Therapy™ has been an integral part of any complete NLP training, at least at master level.

Application of Time Line Therapy

All the experiences and feelings that you have accumulated in the course of your life are buried in your subconscious mind. Spilled (mostly negative) events sometimes make life difficult for us. We respond to new events, controlled by our subconsciously stored experiences, without being aware of it. Then, mental blocks hinder the flow of energy in the body.

Each person organises his memories in time on a kind of line, the time axis. With Time Line coaching, you’re in a state of trance on the TimeLine of your life to get hold of unfavorable negative memories or imprints that limit and block your life.

Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall suggest major benefits of using the TimeLine to:

·       Change memories (representation of events)

·       Change negative feelings

·       Eliminate phobias

·       Create an irresistible future

·       Change the direction of the time-line, and more

Do you want to know more about Time Line Therapy™? Book your FREE 15 minutes chat with me today!